WPFG Productions
Welcome to WPFG 91.3FM The Bridge!


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Buying new furnishings for a house or apartment isn't cheap and for some people, the funds are just not there. If you or someone you know is in this position, then be sure to check out New Digs Ministry. On this program of Community Issues and Missions, Ginny Jones, the head of New Digs, tells us how this organization provides for those in need of furnishings and household goods.

Featuring Ginny Jones  Interviewed by Kathy Briner  Aired 01-26-2019

Original Audio Source. (326 New Digs 01-26-19.mp3)

It is never too late to enter the ministry field. Join us as Kathy Briner interviews Bev Snyder, an interesting woman with an interesting personal ministry.

Featuring Bev Snyder  Interviewed by Kathy Briner  Aired 01-19-2019

Original Audio Source. (325 Bev Snyder 01-19-19.mp3)

Representatives from Mission Central return with Kathy Briner to update us on Mission Central!  Each time someone comes from Mission Central, we learn more and more about this organization that has been providing services for over 15 years!  When you think that Mission Central cannot do any more, think again! Tune in!

Featuring Adam Hoover/Hope Harrison  Interviewed by Kathy Briner  Aired 01-12-2019

Original Audio Source. (324 Mission Central 01-12-19.mp3)

We kick off the 2019 season with our monthy FFA program. Join us as we learn about midwinter agricultural news and updates on what's coming up.

Featuring Abby Yoder/Jenna Harnish  Interviewed by Jeremy Ross  Aired 01-05-2019

Original Audio Source. (323 FFA January Program 01-05-18.mp3)