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Lynn Ann Post shared her journey as a school teacher and how it led to the writing of her book, Be Careful What You Wish For.
Featuring Lynn Ann Post Interviewed by Lisa Dorr. Aired 06-25-2022.
God put on Corey Gelbaugh's heart to open the Logos Classical Christian School in Carlisle.
Featuring Corey and Julie Gelbaugh, Denise Heishman, and Debbie Heishman. Interviewed by Lisa Dorr. Aired 06-18-2022.
Why I Love Jesus is Nancy Carol Willis's ministry. She shared how she helps people share their faith story.
Featuring Nancy Carol Willis. Interviewed by Lisa Dorr. Aired 06-11-2022.
Ruth Puleo shared the importance of prayer and how God as led her through her life.
Featuring Ruth Puleo. Interviewed by Lisa Dorr. Aired 06-04-2022.