WPFG Productions
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Community Issues and Missions


 Dwayne and Julia Johnson shared how God kept their marriage together and the ministry they have today because of it.

Featuring Dwayne and Julia Johnson.  Interviewed by Lisa Dorr.  Aired 04-30-2022.


Pam Fleming shared her journey through tough times and how God helped her overcome.

Featuring Pam Fleming.  Interviewed by Lisa Dorr.  Aired 04-23-2022.


Pastor Dave Hess shared is testimony of healing and God's faithfulness to him.

Featuring Pastor Dave Hess.  Interviewed by Lisa Dorr.  Aired 04-16-2022.


Coats of Friendship is a Ministry started by Tristan and Emerson Rankin. They shared how their hearts go out to anyone who is in need of a coat and how that motivated them to start this ministry.

Featuring The Rankin Family.  Interviewed by Lisa Dorr.  Aired 04-09-2022.