Tune in 24/7
Pastor Dave Hess shared a word of Hope, as he shared his journey with the Lord.
Featuring Pastor Dave Hess. Interviewed by Lisa Dorr. Aired 01-08-2022.
Julia and Dwayne Johnson shared how ONE 80 Ministries got started and how their marriage has been instrumental in teaching them about God's love.
Featuring Julia and Dwayne Johnson. Interviewed by Lisa Dorr. Aired 01-01-2022.
Pastor Dave Hess shared his journey with leukemia and how God miraculosly healed him.
Featuring Pastor Dave Hess. Interviewed by Lisa Dorr. Aired 12-25-2021.
Chappy Dave shared his health journey and how he got involved with the Carlisle Truck Stop Ministries.
Featuring Chappy Dave Braithwaite. Interviewed by Lisa Dorr. Aired 12-18-2021.